6G Wireless Networks Security and Privacy Security Problems for 6G mmWave Beam Prediction Adversarial Machine Learning attacks and their mitigation methods for the next generation wireless communication systems (i.e. 5G, 6G, and 7G) Adversarial Attacks and Mitigations for Beamforming Adversarial Machine Learning attacks and their mitigation methods for the next generation wireless communication systems (i.e. 5G, 6G, and 7G) Defensive Distillation based Mitigations for Beamforming Adversarial Machine Learning attacks and their mitigation methods for the next generation wireless communication systems (i.e. 5G, 6G, and 7G) Adversarial Machine Learning Uncertainty as a Swiss army knife new adversarial attack and defense ideas based on epistemic uncertainty Adversarial Machine Learning attacks and their mitigation methods Exploiting epistemic uncertainty of the deep learning models to generate adversarial samples